Reheat works on ground-breaking research alongside Forest Research and the University of Stirling to better understand tree cover expansion choices of land managers.
Leading research from Forest Research and the University of Stirling is starting to understand the factors that would influence decisions and trade-offs between different methods of increasing tree cover or expanding woodlands for land managers. As a result, Reheat was asked to provide its substantial forestry sector knowledge and experience to conduct a national survey of land managers.
The Tree Cover Expansion Choices survey was launched to further understand land manager views on different approaches to tree cover expansion: tree planting, natural processes (known as ‘natural colonisation’) and hybrid approaches. Land managers are now being encourage to come forward and answer this short, anonymous survey.
This vital research will enhance Forest Research’s understanding of land manager decision making and the data collected from responses will be subsequently fedback into UKRI’s Treescape Programme to improve environmental, socio-economicand cultural understandings of the functions and services provided by UK treescapes in order to inform future decisions on woodland expansion and improved safeguarding and management. Land managers will therefore be directly contributing to ground-breaking research that will influence future Government policy making.